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A game that made me feel bad about my bad aim... 10/10

Thank you for playing, sorry about the bad feels! :(


but why not just shoot the elephants instead.

I mean you can, but you won't progress.


Playing downloaded version, endless mode is broken :( After the first wave the only hunters that show up are the ones in the bushes, and when they eventually kill all the elephants the level doesn't end. I have to choose "abandon" to get back to the map and it doesn't register any score.


I'll have a look as soon as I get a chance, thanks for letting me know and thanks for playing!

I think I've fixed it, added a couple QoL things too, hopefully I didn't break anything. Please let me know if you spot anything else!

And thanks again for playing!


I tried the new version and it works now. Thanks for the fix

No worries, thank you so much for letting me know!
I assume that means your save file still worked? I was worried it would look for it in a different folder.


ah it didn’t detect a save file. I just replayed everything to try endless mode again.

Ahh good to know. I think the way it works is if you change the name of the install file it looks in a new place for the save. I theory if you moved it over it should work, I didn't change anything that would be saved.

Thanks for your commitment!

Fun game, nice idea.

However, I suck at this game :P

(+2) must get good! Think of the poor elephants!


Lol! I was shooting the elephants! They'd probably prefer I didn't try!😄




What a cute game! Feels like revenge time!


Damn right! Thanks for playing :)